
Are any fees and charges deducted from my accounts?

Yes, these are the fees and charges deducted from your accounts:

        Type of Account

        Purpose of the Account

1. Member Basic Account


2. Member Voluntary Account


3. Employer Account

  1. An administration fee is deducted from your Employer Account to cover expenses associated with the administration of the Fund. The fee is calculated as follows:

    Total administration costs
    Total number of members

    = Your share of the Fund’s administration fees

    Note: Total number of members includes active members (current Civil Servants) and half the number of Preserved members ( members who have a preserved entitlement in the Fund and have left the Civil Service). Preserved members will be charged 50% of the Administration Fee deducted for active members.

  2. An Insurance Premium is deducted to cover the cost of your insurance benefit. The amount of this deduction depends on your level of insurance and your age. Insurance ceases when you leave the Civil Service.

4. Transfer Cashable Account


5. Transfer Preserved Account


Are my contributions tax deductible?

Yes, your contributions are tax deductible.


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